SenseShelf transforms the role of point of display by connecting the key elements of a retail shelf display – Content, Product testers and Merchandises, through the use of an IOT solution. In doing so, SenseShelf facilitates omni-channel experiences, reduce in-store manpower and bring online intelligence into the offline world.
Elevate in-store experiences
Embedded digital & sensor solution delivering shopper responsive interactive experience at the point of display with online to offline navigation

Establish omni-channel insights
Gain access to key retail metrics such as no. of product interactions, footfall, display insights to determine omni-channel contribution

Manage content remotely and on-the-go
Centralised cloud-based in-store content management system (CMS) enables control of content on-the-go

Increase productivity & efficency
Low stocks notifications coupled with self-exploratory product education reduces number of manpower required to man a counter